Kentucky Business License

Kentucky Business License

You likely want to set up your own business in Kentucky and would like to know all the details related to Kentucky business license.

Here you can find out how to conduct a business licenses search in Kentucky and how to register your business.

What should you know about Kentucky Business Licenses?

In Kentucky there is not a certain stated type of business license that can be relevant to all types of businesses. Kentucky business license depends on the type of services your business provides. They vary by industry, geographical location, local requirements, provided services, and so on. In some cases, there can be more than one state business license.

The State of Kentucky doesn’t impose certain requirements for business licenses. Very often the local government provides some extra permits to the local businesses. For example, restaurants, cosmetology, medical or physician services can get more licensing permits in Kentucky.

What are the types of Kentucky Business Licenses?

When applying for a Kentucky business license, the local government will surely explain you the rules. They will also tell you which type of business license you should apply for. Depending on your specific industry and geographical location, there are federal, occupational, and environmental licenses to legally work in Kentucky. Here are the types of Kentucky business licenses:

Federal License

You need to get a federal license, if the federal agency regulates and oversees your business.

Occupational License

There is no specific license for each type of business in Kentucky. Yet, it is a must to get a legalization license for some occupations.

You can apply for occupational licenses online by paying the required fee. Before applying it is better to be informed what kind of documents you will need.

Environmental License

You should get environmental license if your business is harmful for the environment. It includes air emissions, waste of water, water or noise pollution, and so on.

Before beginning constructions, it will be better to contact the Division of Compliance Assistance and have a profound comprehension of all the permits.

How to form an LLC in Kentucky?

There are two options to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company) in Kentucky. The first one is to hire a professional LLC formation service who will set up your LLC. You will need to pay them a small fee.

And the second one is that you can form it by yourself. But it is better to hire a formation service in order to avoid some technical problems. You would better rely on a professional team as they know their job better than you. It will cost you about $50-100.

How much does an LLC cost in Kentucky?

The cost to start a Kentucky LLC is $40. You will pay this fee to the Kentucky Secretary of State to fill the LLC’s Articles of Organization.

You will also pay $15 for the name reservation.

How much does annual report cost in Kentucky?

Every year you should make an annual report, which will be presented to the Secretary of State. The fee for the annual report is $15. You can do it online, as well.

Can a foreign LLC do business in Kentucky?

If you want to do business in Kentucky and you only have a foreign LLC, you must register with the Kentucky Secretary of State. When registering, you need to file a Certificate of Authority. You can apply online or by mail. The filing fee is $90.

Rita S.

Rita S.

With over the years of writing content for a number of websites, Rita has a uniquely developed style of writing. Rita is a copy and content writer with experience of three to four years. She has worked as an SEO and an SMM specialist, as well. During her working years, Rita has written many articles and blog posts for different companies in the world. She provides coaching, ghost writing, and ghost editing services. She has brought very high rankings for the websites she has teamed up with. She uses the combination of SEO and different content tools in her writings, as she knows that successful content is the one that is well optimized. Rita has posted her articles on the websites, such as Medium, ArticlesBase,, and so on.